Manny gets busted for steroids, claims was used for hair

"I didn't know I couldn't do that"

Manny Ramirez was busted for performance enhancing drugs today, which is resulting in a 50 game suspension from the MLB. It's uncertain right now who is more upset, the Los Angeles Dodgers or Bill Simmons, who someone should likely check on as he may be walking his dog to San Diego right now.

In reality, it should not be surprising at this point. Everyone probably has done it (I am definitely looking at you Brady "the 'burns" Anderson), but still, there was something pure and charming about Manny. To see that he's just another one of the steroids guys is very disappointing. At this point, they need to either throw out everyone's results from this era or keep everyone - you can't pick and choose any more.

That is all.