I made one with the medical alert symbol that says "Type 1 Diabetes" on it.
Main Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes Research
Kavan was diagnosed in October 2009 with Type 1 diabetes.
I got this tattoo after having type 1 diabetes for 10 years, the same day i
role in susceptibility to type 1 diabetes, and they are discussed below.
type 1 diabetes insulin
1. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1(also known as insulin dependent diabetes
1. Schematic view of the b-cell outcome following different immunologic or
The caduceus symbol and a “T1″ or “T2″ specification is now permanently
Type 2 Diabetes Proposed Pathogenesis · Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
It is composed of two symbols, one is “danger”,
Symptoms of Diabetes | Type 1 Diabetes Care Guide
I got this tattoo after having type 1 diabetes for 10 years, the same day i
Type 2 Diabetes Proposed Pathogenesis · Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Diabetes attacks the pancreas, corrupts the body's immune system,
Ray Allen and son Walker, who has type 1 diabetes
develop type-1 diabetes, says a new study.
Hi-Tech Tattoo to test Type 1 diabetes
when women with Type 1 diabetes take less insulin than they should.