Singapore Hottests' dance flash mob for 2PM! Date: 17th October 2009 Venue:
I was invited to the event and true enough, the Flash Mob were there.
Dancing Matt to lead STB's flash-mob event in New York

I am always very entertained by Flash Mobs!
Flash mob: Republic Poly students break out into a dance at canteen
This flash mob at Raffles City is so unexpected
Go Red For Women 2010 Flash Mob (Singapore)
Singapore's First Bloggers Flash Mob at Orchard Road (Organised by Nuffnang)
Participants of one of Singapore's first Flash Mob (Courtesy of nuffnangsg)
Glee Flash Mob Singapore - ION Orchard - GleeFlashMob.mp4
Singapore Flash Mob Dance. Comments
This should be the first Blogger's Flash Mob in Singapore, organised by Nuffnang. Get yourself ready this Saturday (13th June 2009) between 5pm and 7pm at
I had so much fun filming the flash mob that happened yesterday at Raffles
A flash mob, as defined by wikipedia, is a large group of people who
Pavillion Flash Mob Dance Kuala Lumpur.m4v. Order: Reorder; Duration: 12:37
Grease Lightning strikes Raffles Place crowd in a flash
bugis fame elegance PERFORMANCE flash mob (Singapore)
Singapore's First Bloggers Flash Mob at Orchard Road (Organised by Nuffnang)
So, come and join the crowd and be part of the Flash Mob this Saturday,

“Flash mobs”, a form of performance art, can be traced back 7 years ago to