The Most Elegent Lady I saw on the first day...



Naturally, she had just attended Caroline Charles. I'm always searching for the definitive 'English Rose" and my search may have concluded...I hope Madonna is in touch with her and that she going to appear in her up-coming movie

Because this woman in an open scene even as an extra, would set the tone and solidly place the movie in that period between the war... If your interested in that period read the diaries of "Chips" Channon or Duff Cooper(Channon as a lifestyle recorder, Cooper for everything else and both can write)

UPDATE DUE SOON: Thanks for confirming "its Emilia Fox - one of the most English of actresses"... I actually have a family connection or it could be five or six degrees of separation but I'll let you all decide… Meanwhile, I need to do the background research and read this>>> The book is about some of the British Regiment's Cavaliers who were "Better known for their elaborate dress than their success on the battlefield, the Cavaliers of the English Civil War have long been regarded as flamboyant libertines. The literary historian John Stubbs looks beyond the lace ruffles and velvet, at the makings of the royalist faction and explains how reading their largely forgotten writings shed new light on one of the most turbulent eras of the country." as discussed on Start The Week on the BBC

Reprobates: The Cavaliers of the English Civil War is published by Viking.

As a tease, I think Miss Fox’s Grandfather my have been my father's CO in the “Family RegimentHousehold Division…

(I knew she was a true “English Rose”, even her full name confirms my intuition when I first saw her, Emilia Lydia Rose Fox >>>