The Weekend Edition (Amy's Return)

In honor of my dear friend Amy Steele's return (yay!), I figured I'd get back to the basics of doing my Weekend Edition write ups, as she let me know she was a fan and missed them. So here goes nothing...what went down this weekend?
  • Bad movie night with Cate, Darren, Eric, Colver, Lorna, Stephanie, Emily, Olivia and Eric (yeah!)
  • Breakfast at Spenard Roadhouse with Dad (sweet biscuits and gravy? tasty, but weird)
  • Errand running with Emily (Best Buy ridiculousness, Midnight Sun brewery, dog park)
  • French Dips with Colver and Jason at Blues Central
  • Tons of beer and shuffleboard at the Buck with a slew of people
  • Dance party plus with Eric, Joanne, and others for Gen's bday
  • Feeling historically awful the next day
  • Welcome back Amy! dinner at Moose's Tooth

Oh dear, it was a good weekend for me to bring back the Weekend Edition on. This one had it all: great friends, great food, great times. Oh yeah, and the most horrendous hangover in months. I felt like I was beaten with a tree branch and sleep deprived for a month. If it weren't for a series of naps, some McDonald's, and heavy doses of liquids, I would have been no good at all for Amy's dinner.

The highlight of the weekend, in one of many, many highlights, had to be Amy's return. As much as I tried to pretend I didn't miss her (I'm great at out of sight, out of mind), as soon as I saw her I was really thankful to have her back. She may be a completely ridiculous person, but she's my type of ridiculous and I'm looking forward to having my good fellow frisbee golfing and summer loving friend back on a mostly regular basis.