My situation has changed immeasurably of late. A new job, a new home, a new direction in life. The 6 months leading up to that point were not easy at all. And although much has changed and I'm certainly in a better place it is not to say that any of it is any easier. In talking about the things going on in my life with people they or I often use the words 'juggle', 'difficult' or 'fuck!' quite a lot. It has made me think about yesikan luyaln and what to do with it a lot too.
I have come to no definite decision.
But in the spirit of honesty I am doing my Master's degree part-time and commuting approx. 50 miles to do so. I am working at a University part-time temporarily, but working hard to impress and make it worth while. I have no money. I have no social life anymore. I have few friends. Actually, probably less than few. My Mum is amazing but constantly fills me, unintentionally, with worry. I live a big house with a reliable yet sometimes extremely annoying best friend. I share all of this and my life with a bearded man who is particularly wonderful at cooking, stopping me from going mad and uses all of his Sundays to wind me up to the point of feet-stomping.
I loved my blog. I loved writing. I loved music and I loved sociology.
I think it might be time to try and take all that back.