No matter how cheesy or cheap they may sound, terms of endearment, those unique, bizarre, funny, sometimes out from nowhere names we call our significant other just add to the spice in any relationship.
How do you call your partner? Dear? Honey? Sweetie? Baby? Pie? Lab? Kitty? There are tons of names available out there that you can use or create a unique one for your partner. I’ve thought of some cute terms and coined some.. You can use them at your own liking. Here they are Muffin, or Munchkin, or Chocobabe, or chocohunk, or love-a-babe or love-a-doo, smoochie,. Of course it would be best if you coin the term yourself, something distinct. Go wild and crazy yet funny and sweet at the same time.
Finding a hard time picking the perfect term of endearment for you and your partner. Here are some of my personal tips to help you.1. Think sweet- literally. What’s your favourite sugary food or cake, or candy? Or what was the first sugary thing your partner gave you? Derive your terms of endearment from it. For instance, your partner gave you chocolates, you can use – chocobabe, chocopie, chocohun, or “late” or “colate” or “yum-yum” or “yummy”,
2. Use the funny names you used to tease each other when you were not yet officially on. Examples would be “chub” (chubby), “icken” (chicken) etc..
3. Think food. Use “Fruitcake”, “dumpling”, “pudding”, “pumpkin”, “bunwich”, “peach” , “tootsies, etc.
4. Think sexy. Use “Hottie”, “hot-stuff”, “seducer”, “delicious”, ”twinkles” “baby-aah!” or “baby-ooh!”, “sexy-ahh or sexy-ohh”, “love-a-babe or love-a-doo” etc.
5. Use common fun terms – “Cuddles”, “Giggles”, “Snuggles”
Remember no matter how cheesy your term of endearment may be its still one way of flirting and expressing your love. So go ahead be cheesy. You’re not alone! Your only limit is your imagination.
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