Senator David Harper's Campaign Rally (aka Halloween)

My campaign had supporters coming out of the wood work, with donations coming from such luminaries as Holly Golightly and Jason

This past Saturday was Halloween, and as per usual it was incredible. Halloween is pretty much my favorite holiday, and this one was extra special because it was probably my most all in Halloween ever as I really went for it on the costume front. Not that my costume was really that big of a deal, but the work I did before and for it was, as Senator David Harper turned his apartment into a glorious campaign headquarters for one evening (does that count as third person?).

The campaign rally/Halloween party was a blast for all that joined in, and I really think I earned some serious voters out of this bunch. It's good to know when November 3rd hits I can count Holly Golightly, Jason (Friday the 13th), Oscar the Grouch, Marilyn Monroe, Billy Mays, and many more out there to vote for me. I'd go into more detail, but it was your standard awesome Halloween party: drinking games, LeBomb James' (shot of Crown with a splash of Grenadine and Red Bull, after you're done throw sugar in the air ala LeBron James), awesome costumes, intense beer pong (Eric and I had an all time one on one match up), and much, much more. The only negative was that campaign central was trashed the next day, but oddly enough that led to my apartment being cleaner than it has been in forever.

Works for me.

I have to admit, now that Halloween is over, I'm a little sad I won't be referred to as "Senator" any more, but all things have their phases. Could stand to have that one last a little bit longer though. See below for pictures from the shenanigans.

Greek Goddess, Senator David Harper, and Billy Mays

Harry Pooter and my mistress/security detail member

My security detail: Eric and Joanne

Senator David Harper doing important things (with security)

"So up first: Canada. Why is it not part of Alaska?"

Doing important Senatorial business with a member of my security team