Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! This year I'm thankful for many things: my burgeoning writing career, my continued success at my job, becoming a thespian, Pontificators, Wes Anderson, Yoni Wolf, Passion Pit, dance parties, 80's nights, crushing Moose's Tooth, Germany, Canada, trivia, Team Breakfast Burrito, comic books, book books, Bill Simmons, the New England Patriots, delicious foods, Middle Way Cafe, Kaladi Brothers, and many, many more things.

Most importantly, I'm thankful for my family, my friends and all the new ones that have been coming about lately, and my wonderful friend Ryan Sobolik's continued domination of the scourge that is known as Leukemia. He was faced with as difficult a turn in life as any person I know and he and his wife Sarah's perpetual victories have been an inspiration to us all. Love you buddy!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, once again.