Today was a huge day for the comic blog I write for. Multiversity Comics started the day securing three interviews (including one from one of our favorite creators in the industry) and finished it with by far the biggest day in terms of visitors in our short history. In fact, we managed to have significantly more visitors today than we typically do in an entire week, as we have nearly 1,500 unique visitors today with 4 hours to go.
How did this happen?
Well, Matt (MC's creator, writer and editor-in-chief) wrote an innocent post sharing the Twitter accounts of a ton of different comic creators in an attempt to create the most comprehensive Twitter account list out there. Of course, it started well as many creators commeneted on the post and emailed Matt to get added, but it all escalated like crazy when first MTV's Splash Page (MTV's comic movie blog) made a tweet about our post, and then arguably two of the biggest writers in the industry did the same: Geoff Johns and Brian Michael Bendis. Throw in Marvel blogger/champion Agent_M (he of 1.2 million followers on Twitter), and our site just went completely insane.
This is just an absolutely gigantic day for us, and we're really excited about the future of our blog. Who knows what it holds, but man, it was an incredibly fun day to watch unfold. Hopefully we build on it and make Multiversity even bigger than it already is.