The Weekend Edition

After an intensely busy weekend, I'm completely wiped out. I had grand aspirations of writing a couple blogs on here and an additional one on my comic blog Multiversity Comics, but because of the busy weekend, the mass of laundry necessary and my busted knee (caused by my incessant need to be clumsy - arguably the thing I am best at) I decided it was possibly a better idea just to relax and watch some movies. The trio I've watched are Dazed and Confused, Kung Fu Panda and Children of Men, which pretty much expresses how odd of a person I am.

No less, here is what went down this weekend:

  • Colver's bachelor party (complete success)
  • Waking up real hungover and lazing about Colver's watching baseball and cracking jokes
  • Finishing up Warren Ellis' collection of essays/columns Come In Alone
  • Off camping in Denali by Byers Lake with the Crewnit
  • Chilling in Talkeetna for lunch with the Crewnit (Denali Brewing, but not as good as I hoped it to be)
  • Relaxing and taking care of business

Hannah, Lorna and Amy - repping Alaska at Byers Lake

As I said, this weekend was a big one as not only were there large events to partake in, but it signified change. Friday night was Colver's bachelor party as he will be getting married August 29th, and will be the last of my best friends to get married. Not only that but our camping trip was Hannah's last big Alaskan adventure before she moves to New York and possibly Amy's last, as it is looking like she will move soon as well. All in all, lots of change coming. Two best friends moving, two best friends getting married (to each other no less! What the hell?!).

What does that mean for me? Is it time to up the maturity level and start pursuing major life milestones myself? Time to find the woman of my dreams and to settle down, or at the very least move and find my calling in life?


I'm having fun. I'll change when that stops, or something better comes up. Until then I'll just keep doing what I do until that stops working for me.