The Invention of Lying

Some believe Ricky Gervais is a comedic genius. As someone that never actually watched the original British version of the Office, I can't really say one way or another, but I do know I've liked everything I've seen him in, especially his old HBO show Extras. No less, nothing has bowled me over to make me regard him in such a way that I look at him as others do. However, his new film project titled the Invention of Lying really has me hooked.

Co-directed, cowrote, and starring Gervais, this film about a world where no one lies and the first man to pioneer the concept has a remarkably clever concept and a top notch cast (besides Gervais, it includes Jennifer Garner, Tina Fey, Louis C.K, Jonah Hill, Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Tambor, Patrick Stewart, Martin Starr, and Rob Lowe - freaking awesome). The trailer has a Stranger than Fiction vibe to it (which to me is a great thing), and I have to admit I'm really looking forward to it. I hope that it ends up being as good as it has the potential to be. We'll find out September 25th.