Favorite April Fools Joke of 2009

My favorite part of April Fools definitely isn't the the variety of mediocre attempts at faking out friends and family members (see: yesterday). It's the ridiculously awesome ones that the internet comes up with every year, most of all the fantastic Google ones.

However, this year Thinkgeek brought their A game, from the wireless extension cord they were selling, to the wiimote that comes attached to a helmet (the Wiimet), to the "Squeez Bacon," a condiment that was ketchup but made out of bacon instead of tomatoes. Delicious.

My favorite by far was the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag, a great gift for kids who want to simuluate the scene where Han cuts open the Tauntaun and puts Luke in a tauntaun to keep him warm. Except, you know, when you're camping, or sleeping in your living room in a fort. All the time. It's especially great because the insides of the sleeping bag look like the insides of a tauntaun.

Yay realism!