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Jerry Pappas: Time Gigolo

So recently, two things have really gotten me in terms of flat out hilarious forms of entertainment.

The first is Important Things with Demetri Martin. It's a new show on Comedy Central, and it is a bizarre mix of animation, stand up comedy, drawing, and sketches (a veritable variety show) from Demetri Martin, one of the funniest and most original guys in stand up comedy. Each episode Martin takes you through important things in the world today, and the first episode last Wednesday took us through the power of timing.

Of course, this led to a strangely disconnected series of hilarity, highlighted by the segment (partially at the top) about a time traveling janitor who used his found technology to sleep with famous women throughout history. In short, an innovative and really hilarious way to use time travel. While the style of the show has a tendency to seemingly fall in love with itself, anyone that can come up with a character who uses a vending/time travel machine to sleep with Mary Magdalene earns my viewership, that's for sure.

The other comes as no surprise. Most of my friends know of my obsession with Bill Simmons (also known as "that Bill Simmons guy"), ESPN's resident god amongst sportswriters, a man who fuses sports with pop culture better than anyone on the planet. I've been reading his column(s) since he came over from his own website to, read his book, and love pretty much everything he puts out there.

Over the while, he's stopped writing as often on ESPN. You can call it "he's been focusing on his new book," I may call it ongoing spat with his editorial staff. Whatever. Whatever it is, he's been writing less columns and I find it really annoying. Plus, he's been doing tons of podcasts (they're called The BS Report), and I'm just not a podcast guy. Some will claim they don't listen to podcasts for a number of reasons (1. I'm trying to support other forms of journalism, 2. I don't have the time to listen to 80 minute podcasts, 3. Journalists have annoying voices, etc. etc.), I have but one reason: podcasts pair poorly with restrooms and work, both of which are superb Simmons' locales.

However, today I couldn't resist the opportunity to listen to his analysis of the NBA All Star Game. Too much entertainment could be had by it, and by god, I listened to it. And it was glorious. After a long day at an event, I spent the last part of the day working efficiently while listening to it. It worked really well, as I got my work done inbetween laughing hysterically at everything from their analysis of the H-O-R-S-E competition to their personal Mt. Rushmore's of fast food (mine: McDonald's, Subway, Wendy's, and Taco Bell - I am not a classy guy).

A lot of people love those audiotapes of books and think they are a great alternative to reading, and I always thought that was a bit odd. This is like an audiotape of a Simmons' column, and good god, it is glorious. I now know what I will be listening to at work from now on, so thanks a lot Bill Simmons. You've done a great job at making me even more inefficient at work.
