Kim and David go to Italy!

Oh my god, we're going to Italy!

It's been discussed frequently lately, but still no official word as to whether or not it was going to be true...until today. What's the news?

Kim is coming to meet me on my Europe trip!

I will still be spending at least the first two weeks of my trip by myself, but for the last week or so in Italy (my dream location), I will be joined by my wonderful friend Kim for the entirety. We'll share gondola rides, scooter ventures, Capri, architecture, and care free lifestyle together for a week. Not only that, but it will be the first time in nearly seven months that I've seen one of my best friends and it will be in the place I've always dreamt of going.

I'm so excited I can barely contain myself.

Hooray Europe trip 2009! You're going to be so awesome!