Dreams become reality

In a big step towards Europe and adulthood (did it really take me nearly 25 years to get a passport? Who am I?), I went in and sent away for my passport yesterday. Fully expecting it to take hours upon hours regardless of the fact I had everything filled out and ready before hand (I told my boss I'd try to be back in under two hours but I really couldn't promise anything), it ended up taking all of ten minutes. Also, people had said it takes at least 90 days to get to me - the guy at the post office said it should take three weeks. Thank god the whole process was just over hyped, I prefer it this way greatly.

So now I'm all ready to go to Europe. I just have to book my tickets, plot my route, and start learning key words and phrases in certain languages. Such as "chicken," "bathroom," and "am I currently in a brothel?" Just the basics, really.