The Weekend Edition

This was an incredibly chill weekend, as I had to kind of sort of but not really work on Saturday (I put in one hour on a conference call and a little over two hours at an event we were putting on) so I didn't want to get too crazy. Which is good, because I need weekends like this where I just keep the sanity levels down to normal. What'd I do?

  • Dinner at Crush with Amy, Hannah, and Jason on Friday
  • Failed attempt at going to see Quantum of Solace leading to a foray at Barnes and Noble instead with Hannah and Jason
  • Finishing Fahrenheit 451 (amazing and worthy of its status as a classic)
  • Being a cell phone guru at a live radio remote for my company
  • Dinner with my sister and mom at Humpy's (super fun!)
  • Finalizing the complete and utter reorganization of my comic collection (so much better)
  • The weekly coffee with my sister
  • Actually trying to finish a video game (and failing miserably)
  • Running a sub six minute mile
  • Watching the Cowboys/Redskins game at McGinley's with Amy and Jason

So yeah, it was definitely a chill weekend. No crazy parties attended, no drunken bufoonery to be had. That's okay, because it was constructive and I feel good for both my mental and physical health.

Speaking of physical health, the big thing I wanted to talk about in this Weekend Edition is that I'm now committing to running the Portland Marathon next year. October 4th, 2009, Sheri, Troy, and myself are going to run it. To help with motivating each other, we're even starting an as yet untitled blog where we share our progress in terms of running times and what we're doing to improve (note to self: cut down on beer consumption).

It's going to be really fun and really tiring, but that's okay. It's one of my life goals to complete a marathon, so I might as well get it out of the way before I come up with some sort of legitimate excuse (or at least more legitimate than "my foot hurts" or "partying is way more fun"). Today kicked off with me running a sub six minute mile in our first time trial (5 minutes and 59 seconds - oh yeah!), so I have to say, I like where I'm starting.

Please say a prayer for my ongoing safety (clumsy people should not run long distances, I fear) and check out that blog on occasion. We'll try our best to make it a fun running blog at the very least.