Erik and Katie got married!!! (Wedding Weekend Edition!)

So my wonderful friends Erik and Katie tied the knot this past Saturday in Canby, Oregon (essentially on the outskirts of Portland) as the highlight of a whirlwind venture that took place from Thursday evening at 6 PM PST to Sunday evening 9 PM PST in the greater Portland area. What'd I do in those hours? Let's check it out!

  • Tried on tuxes with Erik and Sobo
  • Went out for a Bachelor Party to downtown Portland with Erik, Sobo, Colver, Brian, Todd, and Andy (what a freaking blast!)
  • Went to some rather tawdry places that will not be elaborated upon (here's a hint: tripsay lubscay)
  • Hot tubbing a plenty
  • Black Bear (aka Snow City Portland or Snow City - Man Styled) times 2 (home of the world's largest biscuits)
  • Wedding rehearsal
  • Dance party with Meeka in Todd's car
  • Rehearsal dinner with frisbee, delicious food, great foods, and tons of fun
  • Visiting John's Marketplace (aka Mecca for beer drinkers)
  • Going out on the town with Kim, Lorna, Colver, and Todd (and running into old Bosco's buddy Jared! nice!)
  • Brian and I screaming lyrics to every song on the way to the wedding - much to Todd's chagrin and Colver's eternal delight
  • Ho hum...the wedding
  • The reception! (dance parties, delicious food - stuffed portabello mushrooms, prime rib, cheesy potatoes, keg o' beer, hearing Cut Copy and Ghostland Observatory at a wedding, Meeka's speech, the first dance, the cake, everything)
  • Lazy football Sunday with Todd, Sobo, Sarah, and Kim

So yeah, it was an absolute blast. I always have a lot of fun hanging out with my full crew once again, and it was great hanging out with people I hadn't seen in a long time (Meeka and Kristin = awesome), plus there were a ton of things that will strangely last forever in my memory. The hilarity of the ZJ (if you don't know what it is, you can't afford it.). Mmmm bow bow (chick chick...chickitacah). Johanna and Roy Naylor cutting a rug to Ghostland Observatory's "Sad Sad City." Oh yeah, and getting to see how happy Erik and Katie both were because they just got married and because it was finally done and they could just get to having a great time.

Thanks so much for having me everyone in Portland, and thanks for trusting me to not screw up that speech Erik and Katie. I thank you so much for your trust and friendship!

Oh yeah, and thanks for the second dance Katie. I never thought I'd shake a leg to the Talking Heads, but you know what, the song was just calling me.

See pics below!

Brian, Todd, and I out at the bachelor party

Me, Colver, and Brian

Andy and Erik

Brian, Sobo, and I

The whole gang with me unaware of their presence

Sobo, Colver, me, Todd, Brian, and Erik at the rehearsal

The groomsmen and groom holding up the bride!

The family portrait

Full family portrait

Todd's our big baby apparently

The groomsmen and the groom

Us acting ridiculous for my camera and the bridesmaids

The whole crew plus the bride and groom's parents

Looking sharp guys!

Erik and Katie learning how to eat cake for the first time

"Don't stop...believin'!"

It's amazing Meeka could stand next to me wearing heels for the first time

Sobo and I towards the end of the night

Meeka, me, Katie, Erik, Colver, and Sobo

Lorna, Barbara, and Kim at the reception

"This shit just got real."