Life is going to be different now. Its very scary and nerve-racking. But I'm attempting to be uncharacteristically positive about it all.
I must say at certain points its a lot easier. Yet there are little reminders all around of what has been lost. And the nights bring the new, challenging and frightening loneliness that I had not anticipated.
I'm hoping to maybe experience new things, reinvest some energy into me and myself; and, thus emerge all the better. New improved! I just reckon it is going to take the possibly shedding of my own body weight in tears to get there.
So I heard this song in the car of a pretty significant journey this afternoon and it was all I could do to force back the tears.
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Bare with me. It is going take everything I have to keep myself stable and not having an extensive list of people to rally round me any support would be greatly received by your ever tinged-with-cynicism,-tragedy-and-humour writer.